Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Color Isolation

I had fun with this one. Color isolation is great for unique pictures. I have done a few others ones using this technique but this one is my favorite so far.

Some of my favorites

A few of my favorite pictures

Something abstract

I was messing with a new type of photo editing software and came up with this and loved it so much decided to post it. Let me know what you think!

More of the good stuff

I tend to add lumps of pictures and in no particular category. I apologize if this makes no sense! :)

Trying something new

This was just me trying something new. I am used to snapping pictures of my children or nature. This one is fun though. I would love to blow this up and use it for artwork.

One of my favorites

This picture just seemed to come together perfectly. I love the sun and how it peeks through the palm tree. Just a few clouds and some bright blue sky. This will always be one of my favorites.

New photos finally!!!